The “One Stop Start” for West Virginia Studies

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“Hundreds of West Virginia Subjects for Students, Educators and others, plus Videos and Links for more information”

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“Someday you won’t remember this pain you thought would last forever and ever; and there you’ll stand, ten feet tall.  I will say, I knew it all along.”  – Taylor Swift

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>>This page is being modified<<

wv music dance
Music and Dance in West Virginia – Official State Songs and more
wv county quiz map
West Virginia County Quizzes
wv map county
West Virginia County Information
wv studies research resources
Research Resources for West Virginia Studies: Blue Book – WV Government Branches and Agencies – Highway Markers – e-WV – State
Transportation in West Virginia: Air – Road – Rail – Water – PRT
wv special places
Special Places in West Virginia
wv statehood civil war
West Virginia Statehood / Civil War
wv national parks forests
National Parks, Forests, Historic and Natural Landmarks, Wildlife Refuges, Heritage Areas, and More in West Virginia
West Virginia Golden Horseshoe
West Virginia Golden Horseshoe Test and West Virginia History Bowl
wv studies history
Other / Miscellaneous/ More
WV150 – West Virginia Sesquicentennial
wv energy natural resources
Energy / Natural Resources in West Virginia
wv state capitol complex
West Virginia State Capitol Building and the Capitol Complex
west virginia museum
West Virginia Museums: Art – History – Science – Cryptids
West Virginia Official State Symbols
african americans in west virginia
African-Americans in West Virginia
wild wonderful west virginia
About MH3WV – West Virginia Studies

wv studies

UPDATES —     When a state or federal agency changes the URL/web address for a site, seldom is there a redirect from the previous URL.  When we discover it, we attempt to find the new URL and update it on MH3WV, or we go to’s “Wayback Machine” to find a previous version of the site to which we link.

–July 2024–

Added link to West Virginia Department of Highways’ Covered Bridge Photos/Poster  [Transportation]

Updated information about “Tourist Trains”  [Transportation]

–June 2024–

Added 2024 Golden Horseshoe Winners List  and a link to a second DOE website which includes Ceremony Info, etc  [Golden Horseshoe]

–May 2024–

Only minor updates this month

–April 2024–

Added link to West Virginia Sesquicentennial Commission’s archived website  [WV150}

Added “Kathy Mattea “Green Rolling Hills”   [Music /Dance]

(Previous updates are on the the “About” page.)

(If you need a PDF viewer, download it here. wv studiesYou may want to uncheck the boxes for the optional McAfee software)

MH3WV – My Hills, My Heritage, My Home, West Virginia, is “The One Stop Start” for Golden Horseshoe Test and other West Virginia Studies information. The website was launched on June 20, 2014 and has been regularly updated, most recently on July 9, 2024.

wv studies

WV Studies – West Virginia Studies – WV History – West Virginia History

Resourceful Links